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Austin Peay ransomware attack disrupts finals

Students at Austin Peay State University have taken to change.org with a petition urging school officials to rethink exam schedules that have been disrupted because of a ransomware attack on several of the school’s key communications platforms, including email and One-Stop.

Because of the attack, final exams on Friday were canceled and, according to the Austin Peay website, faculty would determine grades based on coursework to this point or students could elect to receive an “incomplete.”

An update Saturday stated the Austin Peay State University Office of Information Technology “continues to restore services to the university” and that students, faculty and staff could resume accessing the network. 

More:Austin Peay targeted by ransomware attack; attack believed to be contained

It also stated that exams for the coming week, beginning Monday, would continue as scheduled, which fueled the Governor’s Student Body to create the petition citing: “Only canceling one day of exams (disproportionately) impacts students with exams next week. We recognize the complexity in this level of decision making, but urge university officials to consider the impacts this may have.”

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